
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's Time for this Month's.... "Theology is Fun!" -Brian

I'm totally serious... depending on how this goes. I'm planning on posting a "Theology is Fun!" post once a month! These will be light-hearted yet serious descriptions and applications of what is often seen as boring and technical theology. Because as my Christian Theology professor Dr. Charles always says, "Theology is a matter of life and death!" I'd like to add to that by claiming theology is useful and impacting! ...and yes, fun!

This Month's Topic - "The Trinity"

Don't give up and go back to Facebook just yet! Yes, the Trinity can be made incredibly confusing and complex... truth be told, no one can fully understand it, let alone explain it! So attempts to do so become quite burdensome... trust me, I wrote 17 pages on it last semester! However, I did discover while writing that paper that the Trinity provides us with some AWESOME aspects of who God is, aspects that directly affect our view, response and worship of Him.

The Boring Foundational Part

I'll make this quick and painless, and maybe even interesting. The Trinity is the result of God's triune nature, composed of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Triune meaning He has three persons, but exists as one God. It's like an egg... and then again it isn't. An egg is an egg and God is God... an egg's yolk is not its shell, and its shell is not its white, just as the Son is not the Father, the Father is not the Spirit, and the Spirit is not the Father.

Confused yet?

Ok, there really is no good illustration for God's triune nature... especially and egg. Because the truth is there's NOTHING like it! The main thing is to know that we have ONE God, who exists as three different persons. Those persons are all equal, and all equally divine. How awesome.

The Fun and Exciting Application

So often the Trinity is portrayed to be a concept that we're simply supposed to know. Might this reflect the larger attitude within some of us that God is simply someone to be understood? Theology is no longer "fun" to many because it's simply become big words and definitions that only scholars and pastors enjoy learning! So here is how understanding the Trinity causes our walk with Christ and the furthering of His kingdom SO INCREDIBLE!


Ever read the Old Testament and put yourself in the place of the Israelites? If you do, you might find yourself viewing God as someone who's huge, powerful, and ready to strike at the first sign of evil, whether it’s inside or outside of His people. The Father God of the Old Testament gets a lot of criticism from atheists, who use His immense anger and wrath as grounds for His lack of love. Hmm... sounds familiar, like the often used phrase "If God is loving, why....." but that's for another day. Truth is, God the Father is so great, so holy, and so eternally mighty, that the sin and defiance of the law was something that could not exist within Him and His people. But He did not simply destroy the world out of anger, but instead made an incredible sacrifice out of love. God the Father is not only majestic, holy, almighty, eternal, glorious, and wonderful as the Old Testament constantly claims, but also loving and compassionate, proven through the sacrifice of Christ, who is....


Unlike the lambs sacrificed in the Old Testament, the sacrificial Lamb that we have in Christ was completely aware of what was required of Him. Aside from Isaac (who ended up being released of his sacrificial duties), Jesus was the only human required to be purposefully sacrificed by God. The Son testifies to the self-denial of God (Philippians 2:6-7). However though this love is selfless in a way, it is at the same time concerned with the glorification of Christ, as God exists to be glorified. God saved us... those who were created in His image... for the purpose of glorifying Himself and bringing about His kingdom! Christ represents the awesome connection between God and man. We are not merely creations of God, but creations in His image! Christ is the fullness of God contained within the appearance and form of man, a mediator between the Father and ourselves.


The Son ascended from earth, but The Spirit descended to God's people. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God within every believer, making the will of God known and bringing about the kingdom through our lives. God does not simply exist as one who cannot be seen or known, or as one who once was with us but has since left. The Spirit testifies to the fact that God is forever with us, even now in the midst of our imperfect bodies, living within an imperfect world.


Triune God,
My hope for this writing is that it would increase our amazement at who you are. The awesomeness of the Father, the sacrifice and mediation of the Son, and the presence and guidance of the Spirit all blend together to give us a glimpse, yes, but  an awe-inspiring glimpse of your glorious existence. I hope and pray that we would let this revelation of who you are impact our lives in a real way, seen through our attitude, thoughts, and actions.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Grace and her dad, Forest
My little cousin, Grace Hamilton, was diagnosed with Leukemia today.  We were devastated when we received the news, but I can only imagine what my cousin Amy and her husband, Forest, are experiencing right now.

Those of you who know me well know how much I love kids, and the thought of Grace experiencing so much pain and hardship breaks my heart.  I wish so desperately that I could take that disease, pain, and suffering from her - that it was my sickness instead of hers.

I have been thinking and learning recently about God's Sovereignty, and it's very easy to conceptually believe that God is Sovereign until your baby daughter gets a deadly disease.  Now it is real!!

How can God be Sovereign in this?  Why us?  Why her? I know that these are the kind of questions that must be racing through their minds at this very moment.  We can talk all that we want about God's sovereignty, but when something like this totally wrecks our lives - do we really believe He is Sovereign?

How does this fit into His plan?  I don't know! My limited mind cannot comprehend why this must happen.  I do know that God is good, and I know that He listens to and answers prayer.  And you better believe that we are going to have hundreds of people praying that God heals her body from this disease.

One of the most encouraging passages on prayer is in James 5.  James says that "Elijah was a man just like us."  He prayed, and God listened because He was righteous.  James then says, "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."  Jesus tells us that if we pray in faith, whatever we ask will be granted to us.

Will you pray in faith with us that God would heal little Grace completely, immediately, and supernaturally?  I believe that I will have the joy of someday posting that God has supernaturally healed her in the future.

Please pray,


Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Glorious Missing Pieces

Sorry for the gap between posts, it’s been a busy month. However, Spring Break means a time to relax, reflect, and really take in what God has done over the past month. It's also a great time to start a book... which, incedentally, is behind what I'm writing about to you all tonight.

This past week I walked into a local bookstore and picked up The Next Christians, by Gabe Lyons. Author of the well-known book unchristian, a look into the increasingly negative outlook Americans have held towards Christianity, Lyons addresses this problem in his "sequel" The Next Christians. Its tagline is all but subtle, and reads, "The good news about the end of Christian America." If you're looking for a complete book review, than I'm sorry, I hate to disappoint, but I'm only four chapters in. I do, however, wish to share and explain in my own words what I believe is an incredible observation Lyons makes in chapter four, entitled "Relearning Restoration."

If you've encountered the Gospel in the past, whether in the church or beyond the church doors, odds are that most presentations follow a 3 step pattern:

1. All men (including yourself) are sinners, and are therefore unable to be right with God on their own.
2. God came to earth and died a sinless death so that you might be made right with God.
3. If you accept Christ, you will be made right with God, able to live forever in heaven with Him.

I would never begin to call any of these "steps" incorrect and unimportant. Indeed, the removal of any one of them would completely distort the Gospel message. But what if the Gospel we proclaimed to the world was more than this, but included 2 "steps" that are almost always forgotten?

Creation... The "Real" First Step
     To start with the fact that humankind is fallen and sinful is to leave out an INCREDIBLE amount of relevant truth that sets the foundation for the Gospel message. Lyons claims that starting with the fall "not only begins with a judgmental tone but also seems to miss some element of truth postmodern seekers have experienced - namely the human compulsion to do good." Indeed mankind is currently fallen, but our message makes no sense until we share the original intended purpose for mankind, as perfect creations of the Creator, made in His image, to glorify Him and watch over what He had made. God is not simply having compassion on those little humans who have always been hopeless, but He is giving "another chance" in His glorious mercy, offering life to those who had it, but chose death.

Restoration... "So I'm Saved, Now What?"
     Just as the first "step" of the Gospel is often ignored, it seems that we often jump to the last step, forgetting completely what happens in between salvation and consummation (our eternal life in heaven). In my observation, countless songs and messages in Christian history have expressed this gap, in the honest attitude of anticipating "glory." Paul's words, "To die is gain," serve as a motto among those who look directly to the final judgment after salvation has occurred.
    But what if Christ also saved us to something, not just from something? Indeed, Paul says "to live is Christ!" Life on this earth as children of God is not meaningless! Paul tells us that we are not simply saved to a life in heaven, but we are saved to good works! Within the event of salvation comes the beautiful process of restoration. Every day we are being sanctified, that is being made holy, advancing God's kingdom on earth. Jesus' prayer was that God's work be done "on earth, as it is in Heaven." This restoration occurs by following in those good works that Paul speaks of, the ones that have been ordained for us to do.
    Let me end with this illustration. To simply long for heaven and curse the suffering of the world is to leave the scene of a shipwreck in an empty lifeboat. You've been fortunate enough to find an empty lifeboat in the midst of the carnage, as others can do nothing but yell and flail about, searching for anything that might possibly keep them afloat. The wind is bitter cold, the rain is pounding, so you cling to your salvation, and curl up to wait out the storm, not aware that there is work to be done all around you. Many souls are hanging in the balance, and many seats in the lifeboat that have yet to be filled.

    I hope the exploration of these often neglected elements of God's Gospel message are inspiring, encouraging, and motivating in your own walk with God. Remembering creation as the foundation reveals beautiful truths about God's plan and purpose for His creation, and reminds us of the glorious way we came into being. Recognizing God's process of renewal within us enables us to witness God's plan being accomplished every single day we live. The Gospel is not merely concerned with what Christ did, and what God will later do, but also what God is doing this very day in all of us. I propose we not only take a hold of this ourselves, but let it characterize how we spread the Gospel in our lives, through both word and deed.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Usurping God's Throne

Sorry about the long drought, but life gets busy.  Here are some thoughts that I think will be healthy for you to hear...
I have been reading a book for a Theology class by A.W. Tozer entitled, “The Knowledge of the Holy.”  I would highly suggest this book for all of you who desire to think rightly, and therefore act rightly before the God of the Universe.  I realized as I was reading that my thinking about God directly affects my actions in daily life, and that my thinking concerning God’s nature was severely distorted.  Prepare yourself to be humbled because nobody leaves a time of deep thinking about God in a spirit of arrogance, rather it always leads to humility and worship.

This one quote really grabbed my attention...

“Sin has many manifestations but its essence is one.  A moral being created to worship before the throne of God, sits on the throne of his own selfhood and from that elevated position declares, ‘I AM.’” – A.W. Tozer

What is your reaction to this statement?  Read it again.

Tozer claims that every time you and I choose to sin this is what we say: “God you have no place to rule in my life!  I’m calling the shots! I am hitting the “ejection button” so that you are catapulted off of your throne and now I will run my life.”

How does that sound? Stupid? Arrogant? Like suicide?

Yet we do this multiple times every single day!

I don’t know about you, but I know that I “sugar-coat” my sin.  After all, I look around me and see all those around me doing much “worse” things than I am doing. 

You see, the point is not what “kind” of sin we are committing; it is against WHOM we are committing it.  We have to understand that God, who created us and sustains every minute detail of His creation at this very moment, is an infinite, holy, righteous, self-sufficient Being.  He was perfectly happy in Himself before He created you. 

So when you sin you say to this gracious, majestic God: “Though I am finite, dependent, and have a desperately wicked heart, I will rule my life!”

Is this starting to sink in?  I hope you see how this is absurd on every level!

God’s Commands Are Good

What makes this even more absurd is that He is not asking us to obey Him for no reason.  We don’t obey God’s commands because we do not believe that He is Good.  Let me explain why I believe this to be true.

As Creator, God created the world to function in specific way; therefore He knows how to live life here on earth to its fullest.  The commands that we are given in Scripture are NOT restrictive! We hear this taught and preached constantly, but we still don’t get it.  God is not trying to limit our lives or our pleasure.  Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor of The Village Church, states it this way, “God’s commands align us with how He created the universe to function.”

When God tells us to do sex inside certain guidelines, He is not restricting our pleasure, but teaching us how to experience sex to its fullest – the way He created it to work.  Any other way is a perversion of sex, and is only a partial experience of the fullness of it.

When God tells us to do family roles this way, He is not limiting our freedom (male or female), but instructing us on how we can experience the fullness of joy in our family relationships.

These are just two examples, but the principle can be applied across the board.

The question is, do we believe this?

I think that this is how David could write how much he loves God’s law in Psalm 119; he understood that God gave His commands to show His children how to live in the world that He created.

1 John 5:3 states, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.” 

Obeying God should not be “burdensome,” but should be joyous as we deny our fleshly desires, obey God’s commands, and therefore align ourselves with how He created the world to work.

The Gospel

Too often we talk about sin without talking about the Savior.  Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, we have access to the Father through repentance and faith in the blood of Jesus.  When we truly repent and believe, Biblically we receive a new heart and new nature that desires to follow after the commands of God. 

However, on the “dirt path” called sanctification, we all choose to usurp the throne like we discussed earlier.  Because the blood of Jesus has forgiven us from all sin, when we realize that we have sinned against God and elevated ourselves rather than God, we can run TO Him because our righteousness is based on what Jesus DID, not what I DO!  Too often when we sin we run away from God instead of running to Him.  This is a sign of Spiritual immaturity, and exposes an incorrect understanding of the Gospel.

Instead of usurping God’s throne, we desire to “promote the honor of God and the good of our fellow men.”  Commit, along with me, to magnify and bring glory to God’s throne and rule in my life rather than constantly ruling my own life.

So in closing, I want you to realize the gravity and disgusting nature of your sin before a Holy God, while remembering that we do not get better by “trying harder” not to sin, but by focusing on the Savior and what He has purchased for us.  That is the glorious Gospel.

I hope this makes sense. I could have developed some of the ideas more fully, but ran out of time, and it was already getting lengthy.  May God bless His words and my humble thoughts.
